Masters Thesis

Al-Anon family groups and services need assessment at Humboldt State University

Al-Anon is an international fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems. The purpose of my community project is to seek to find if it would be beneficial to have a campus based Al-Anon group and possibly raise awareness and education about Al-Anon to Humboldt State University students, emphasizing that the problem of alcoholism affects the immediate and extended family and friends of individuals with the disease. I conducted a needs assessment survey and gathered data to determine if it would be beneficial to have a campus based Al-Anon group. I had two specific questions; how many students are in need of the group? And how many students might attend the group? The increase of accessibility of an Al-Anon group to college students may help a vulnerable population overcome some of the internal and external barriers they may face. It may also help reduce the number of individuals affected by the disease or prevent them from developing the disease in the future. As a result, the responses to the study are important and influenced the knowledge and understanding of need of a campus based Al-Anon group.

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