Masters Thesis

Transitional handbook for youth with developmental disabilities

I am an intern at Redwood Coast Regional Center (RCRC). While I am interning at RCRC, I will construct and produce a Transitional Handbook for youth with developmental disabilities (DD). Currently the area that Redwood Coast Regional Center covers does not have a handbook for youth. To compile the needs assessment for a handbook, I will use inter-agency documentation, other RCRC county handbooks, and public websites. I organized a focus group that consisted of RCRC contracted service providers ages 18 and over. The focus group, with the help of the participants, supported my finalization of the Transitional Handbook. The focus group determined what the best services and skill sets are for transitional-age DD youth to prepare for adulthood. I submitted the final Transitional Handbook to Redwood Coast Regional Center for approval. Once it is approved, RCRC will distribute the handbook to its transitional age (14-18) clients.

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